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Defining attribute composition rules in IBM Match 360

Defining attribute composition rules in IBM Match 360

Create and manage rules to determine how an entity's attribute values get selected from its member records. You can define and customize sets of attribute composition rules for each entity type in your data model.

For example, consider a person entity that is made up of two member records named "Joe Howell" and "Joseph Howell". The system uses the person entity type's attribute composition rules to determine which given name value ("Joe" or "Joseph") is selected to be shown as the entity's given name.

Required permissions
To configure attribute composition rules, you must be a member of the DataEngineer user group for the IBM Match 360 service.

Each rule can include a number of filter and sorting conditions that you can prioritize according to your organization's requirements:

  • Source preference - Define the list of trusted record sources that can contribute to attribute composition.
  • Source priority - Use the attribute value from the most trusted record source, in the order of preference that you define.
  • Most recent - Use the attribute value that was most recently created or updated.
  • Most frequent - Use the attribute value that appears most frequently across the member records.

As an ultimate tiebreaker, if the defined rule conditions cannot determine a single result, then the entity's attribute value is taken from the remaining member record with the lowest record number. Lowest record numbers generally indicate the earliest record in the entity.

Attribute composition rules are scoped to either the entity type level or attribute level. Each entity type in your data model has only one entity type level rule. Attribute level rules override the entity type rule on an attribute-by-attribute basis. Attribute level rules can also be configured to apply to a subset of fields within an attribute.

Note: The values of some attributes, known as entity attributes, are defined directly in the entity as opposed to being inherited from its member records. Entity attributes are defined in the data model. Entity attribute values are not affected by attribute composition rules. To change the value of an entity attribute, you must edit the entity. Editing member records does not change an entity attribute value.

In this topic:

Editing the default entity type-scoped rule

The entity type rule determines how attributes are composited for all entities of the selected type. Each entity type in your data model includes a default entity type-scoped rule. You can edit the default rule conditions, but cannot delete the rule.

To edit an entity type rule:

  1. From the navigation menu, select Matching setup, then choose the Match settings tab.

  2. In the sidebar, choose Attribute composition.

  3. Ensure that the correct entity type from your data model is selected in the entity type selection menu.

  4. In the list of attribute composition rules, locate the rule that has "Entity type" in the Scope column.

  5. Hover your mouse over the rule and click the Edit icon edit rule icon.

  6. Under Set the maximum number of values, select the maximum number of values that can be selected for inclusion in the entity. This setting is only used for attributes that can potentially include more than one value, such as a list.

    Configure the rule to use single or list values or a single value only. The default behavior, single or list values, selects multiple values for inclusion in the entity when there is more than one value listed in the record.

  7. Under Define conditions, select a filter condition (optional) and up to three sorting conditions for the system to use when deciding which value to select for the entity view. You must select at least one sorting condition.

    • Under Filter conditions (optional), if you choose to define a filter condition, you only can filter based on source preference. The source preference filter enables you to select certain record sources. The rule considers only records from the selected sources when composing this attribute.

    To define a source preference filter condition to narrow the list of record sources that this rule considers:

    a. Select Source preference as your filter condition.

    b. Click + to select one or more record sources from your data that you consider to be trusted sources.

    c. Optionally, click New source to type the name of a custom record source that is not yet added to your master data. If you add a custom source, the name must exactly match the record source name as defined in a future data asset.

    d. Click Add.

    • Under Sorting conditions, define at least a primary sorting condition. Secondary and tertiary sorting conditions are optional. Click Add primary sort to define your main sorting condition.

    If you choose to define a Source preference sorting condition to set the priority order of of record sources:

    a. Select Source preference as one of your sorting conditions.

    b. Click Add to select the record source or sources from your data that you consider to be trusted sources. If you also have a filter condition set, then some sources might not be available to select, and you cannot define a new source.

    c. Drag-and-drop the sources in the Source preference panel to put them in priority order.

    d. Click Add.

  8. In the Deciding condition area, review the rule summary to ensure that it meets your expectations.

  9. In the Attributes area, review the list of attributes that this entity level rule applies to. By default, it applies to all attributes unless there are attribute-level rules in place.

  10. When you are satisfied with your rule, click Save.

Creating or editing an attribute-scoped rule

In addition to the default entity type-scoped rule, each entity type can also include attribute-scoped rules that override the default rule, but only apply to one specific attribute (or a selection of fields within an attribute). This is useful if you want to handle attribute composition differently for certain attributes.

You can also use attribute-scoped rules to exclude a given attribute from appearing in the entity detail view at all, while still keeping the underlying attribute values in the member record views.

To create an attribute-scoped rule:

  1. From the navigation menu, select Matching setup, then choose the Match settings tab.

  2. In the sidebar, choose Attribute composition.

  3. Ensure that the correct entity type from your data model is selected in the entity type selection menu.

  4. Click New attribute rule to start defining the conditions for this rule.

  5. Under Select an attribute, choose the attribute from the data model that you want to define a rule for.

  6. Under Define inclusion in the entity, define whether this attribute should be included or excluded for entities of this type.

  7. Under Set the maximum number of values, select the maximum number of values that can be selected for inclusion in the entity. This setting is only used for attributes that can potentially include more than one value, such as a list.

    Configure the rule to use a single value, all values, or a custom number of values from each member record to use when composing this attribute for an entity.

  8. Under Define conditions, select a filter condition (optional) and up to three sorting conditions for the system to use when deciding which value to select for the entity view. You must select at least one sorting condition.

    • Under Filter conditions (optional), if you choose to define a filter condition, you only can filter based on source preference. The source preference filter enables you to select certain record sources. The rule considers only records from the selected sources when composing this attribute.

    To define a source preference filter condition to narrow the list of record sources that this rule considers:

    a. Select Source preference as your filter condition.

    b. Click + to select one or more record sources from your data that you consider to be trusted sources.

    c. Optionally, click New source to type the name of a custom record source that is not yet added to your master data. If you add a custom source, the name must exactly match the record source name as defined in a future data asset.

    d. Click Add.

    • Under Sorting conditions, define at least a primary sorting condition. Secondary and tertiary sorting conditions are optional. Click Add primary sort to define your main sorting condition.

    If you choose to define a Source preference sorting condition to set the priority order of record sources:

    a. Select Source preference as one of your sorting conditions.

    b. Click Add to select the record source or sources from your data that you consider to be trusted sources. If you also have a filter condition set, then some sources might not be available to select.

    c. Drag-and-drop the sources in the Source preference panel to put them in priority order.

    d. Click Add.

  9. Under Select fields, choose which fields within this attribute are selected by using this attribute composition rule. By default, all fields are selected.

  10. In the Deciding condition area, review the rule summary to ensure that it meets your expectations. If so, click Save.

To edit a rule:

  1. Hover your mouse over the row in the list of attribute composition rules.
  2. Click the edit rule icon edit rule icon.
  3. Change the conditions as needed, then click Save.

Deleting an attribute-scoped rule

You can delete only attribute-scoped rules. Deleted rules are permanently removed and cannot be recovered.

To delete a rule:

  1. Go to Matching setup > Match settings > Attribute composition.
  2. In the list of attribute composition rules, select the rule that you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete delete rule icon and then confirm your decision.

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