Understanding your responsibilities when using watsonx.governance
Last updated: Nov 28, 2024
Understanding your responsibilities when using watsonx.governance

Learn about the management responsibilities and terms and conditions that you have when you use watsonx.governance. For a high-level view of the service types in and the breakdown of responsibilities between the customer and IBM for each type, see Shared responsibilities for offerings.

Review the following sections for the specific responsibilities for you and for IBM when you use watsonx.governance. For the overall terms of use, see Terms and Notices.

Incident and operations management

Incident and operations management includes tasks such as monitoring, event management, high availability, problem determination, recovery, and full state backup and recovery.

Table 1. Responsibilites for incident and operations
The rows are read from left to right. The first column describes the task that the customer or IBM might be responsibility for. The second column describes IBM responsibilities for that task. The third column describes your responsibilities as the customer for that task.
Task IBM Responsibilities Your Responsibilities
IBM watsonx.governance instance administration - Provide infrastructure operating system (OS), version, and security updates.
- Clean up all instance resources.
- Track hardware issues on running cluster
- Create an instance using the provided API, CLI or console tools.
- Delete a service instance using the provided API, CLI or console tools.
- Customize a service instance using the provided API or CLI.
- View or change the instance configuration using the provided API, CLI or console tools.
Application administration Monitor watsonx.governance for any failures due to infrastructure provided by IBM. - Run watsonx.governance using the provided CLI, API, or console tools.
- Tune the watsonx.governance instance for your requirements using the provided CLI, API, or console tools.
Observability - Provide IBM Cloud Logs to enable observability of your watsonx.governance service logs.
- Provide integration with IBM Cloud Logs send watsonx.governance events for auditability.
No responsibilities

Change management

Change management includes tasks such as deployment, configuration, upgrades, patching, configuration changes, and deletion.

Table 2. Responsibilites for change management
The rows are read from left to right. The first column describes the task that the customer or IBM might be responsibility for. The second column describes IBM responsibilities for that task. The third column describes your responsibilities as the customer for that task.
Task IBM Responsibilities Your Responsibilities
Instance provisioning - Order hardware (data plane in the IBM services account).
- Open the watsonx.governance cluster to the internet (data plane in the IBM Services account).
- Ensure network isolation of the watsonx.governance cluster nodes from other clusters (data plane in the IBM Services account).
- Patch the cluster hosts (data plane in the IBM Services account).
- Ensure safe erasure of data from removed node or deleted cluster nodes.
- Delete hardware (data plane in the IBM Services account).
No change management responsibilities

Identity and access management

Identity and access management includes tasks such as authentication, authorization, access control policies, and approving, granting, and revoking access.

Table 3. Responsibilites for identity and access management
The rows are read from left to right. The first column describes the task that the customer or IBM might be responsibility for. The second column describes IBM responsibilities for that task. The third column describes your responsibilities as the customer for that task.
Task IBM Responsibilities Your Responsibilities
Access control of the service instance Verify the user's permissions on the service instance through IBM Cloud IAM before allowing access. Maintain responsibility for any service roles that you create for your instances.

Security and regulation compliance

Security and regulation compliance includes tasks such as security controls implementation and compliance certification.

Table 4. Responsibilites for security and regulation compliance
The rows are read from left to right. The first column describes the task that the customer or IBM might be responsibility for. The second column describes IBM responsibilities for that task. The third column describes your responsibilities as the customer for that task.
Task IBM Responsibilities Your Responsibilities
General - Maintain controls commensurate to various industry compliance standards.
- Monitor, isolate, and recover instances.
- Monitor and report the health of instances in the various interfaces.
- Secure cluster access through TLS/SSH (data plane in the IBM Services account).
- Integrate watsonx.data with IBM Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM).
Set up and maintain security and regulation compliance for the IBM watsonx.governance instances.

Disaster recovery

Disaster recovery includes tasks such as providing dependencies on disaster recovery sites, provision disaster recovery environments, data and configuration backup, replicating data and configuration to the disaster recovery environment, and failover on disaster events.

Table 5. Responsibilites for disaster recovery
The rows are read from left to right. The first column describes the task that the customer or IBM might be responsibility for. The second column describes IBM responsibilities for that task. The third column describes your responsibilities as the customer for that task.
Task IBM Responsibilities Your Responsibilities
General - Restore or rebuild the provisioning environments in affected regions.
- Track instance state.
- Track and maintain instance state.
- Handle reconfiguration for integrations if assigned a new application URL.