You might encounter some of these issues when getting started with and using notebooks:
Failure to export a notebook to HTML in the Jupyter Notebook editor
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When you are working with a Jupyter Notebook created in a tool other than Studio, you might not be able to export the notebook to HTML. This issue occurs when the cell output is exposed.
In the Jupyter Notebook UI, go to Edit and click Edit Notebook Metadata.
Remove the following metadata:
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Click Edit.
Save the notebook.
Manual installation of some tensor libraries is not supported
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Some tensor flow libraries are preinstalled, but if you try to install additional tensor flow libraries yourself, you get an error.
Connection to notebook kernel is taking longer than expected after running a code cell
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If you try to reconnect to the kernel and immediately run a code cell (or if the kernel reconnection happened during code execution), the notebook doesn't reconnect to the kernel and no output is displayed for the code cell. You need to manually
reconnect to the kernel by clicking Kernel > Reconnect. When the kernel is ready, you can try running the code cell again.
Using the predefined sqlContext object in multiple notebooks causes an error
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You might receive an Apache Spark error if you use the predefined sqlContext object in multiple notebooks. Create a new sqlContext object for each notebook. See this Stack Overflow explanation.
Connection failed message
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If your kernel stops, your notebook is no longer automatically saved. To save it, click File > Save manually, and you should get a Notebook saved message in the kernel information area,
which appears before the Spark version. If you get a message that the kernel failed, to reconnect your notebook to the kernel click Kernel > Reconnect. If nothing you do restarts the kernel and you can't
save the notebook, you can download it to save your changes by clicking File > Download as > Notebook (.ipynb). Then you need to create a new notebook based on your downloaded notebook
Hyperlinks to notebook sections don't work in preview mode
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If your notebook contains sections that you link to from an introductory section at the top of the notebook for example, the links to these sections will not work if the notebook was opened in view-only mode in Firefox. However, if you open
the notebook in edit mode, these links will work.
Can't connect to notebook kernel
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If you try to run a notebook and you see the message Connecting to Kernel, followed by Connection failed. Reconnecting and finally by a connection failed error message, the reason might be that your firewall is blocking
the notebook from running.
If Studio is installed behind a firewall, you must add the WebSocket connection wss:// to the firewall settings. Enabling this WebSocket connection is required when you're using notebooks and
Insufficient resources available error when opening or editing a notebook
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If you see the following message when opening or editing a notebook, the environment runtime associated with your notebook has resource issues:
Insufficient resources available
A runtime instance with the requested configuration can't be started at this time because the required hardware resources aren't available.
Try again later or adjust the requested sizes.
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To find the cause, try checking the status page for IBM Cloud incidents affecting Studio. Additionally, you can open a support case at the IBM Cloud Support portal.
Limitations when using Studio:
Files that are uploaded through the Studio UI are not validated or scanned for potentially malicious content
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Files that you upload through the Studio UI are not validated or scanned for potentially malicious content. It is strongly recommended that you run security software, such as an anti-virus application on all files before uploading
your files to ensure the security of your content.
Data Refinery known issues
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Target table loss and job failure when you use the Update option in a Data Refinery flow
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Using the Update option for the Write mode target property for relational data sources (for example Db2) replaces the original target table and the Data Refinery job might fail.
Workaround: Use the Merge option as the **Write **mode and Append as the Table action.
Data Refinery limitations
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Data column headers cannot contain special characters
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Data with column headers that contain special characters might cause Data Refinery jobs to fail, and give the error Supplied values don't match positional vars to interpolate.
Workaround: Remove the special characters from the column headers.
Data Refinery does not support the Satellite Connector
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You cannot use a Satellite Connector to connect to a database with Data Refinery
Error opening a Data Refinery flow with connection with personal credentials
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When you open a Data Refinery flow that uses a data asset that is based on a connection with personal credentials, you might see an error.
Workround: To open a Data Refinery flow that has assets which use connections with personal credentials, you must unlock the connection. You can unlock the connection either by editing the connection and entering your personal
credentials, or by previewing the asset in the Project where you are prompted to enter your personal credentials. When you have unlocked the connection, you can then open the Data Refinery flow.
Visualizations issues
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You might encounter some of these issues when working with the Visualization tab in a Data asset in a project.
The column-level profile information for a connected data asset with a column of type DATE, does not show rows
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In the column-level profile information for a connected data asset with a column of type DATE, no rows are displayed when you click show rows in the tabs Data Classes, Format or Types. Runtime issues
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You might encounter some of these issues when working with Runtime.
Region requirements
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You can only associate a Runtime service instance with your project when the Runtime service instance and the Studio instance are located in the same region.
Accessing links if you create a service instance while associating a service with a project
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While you are associating a Runtime service to a project, you have the option of creating a new service instance. If you choose to create a new service, the links on the service page might not work. To access the service terms,
APIs, and documentation, right click the links to open them in new windows.
Federated Learning assets cannot be searched in All assets, search results, or filter results in the new projects UI
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You cannot search Federated Learning assets from the All assets view, the search results, or the filter results of your project.
Workaround: Click the Federated Learning asset to open the tool.
Deployment issues
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A deployment that is inactive (no scores) for a set time (24 hours for the free plan or 120 hours for a paid plan) is automatically hibernated. When a new scoring request is submitted, the deployment is reactivated and the score request
is served. Expect a brief delay of 1 to 60 seconds for the first score request after activation, depending on the model framework.
For some frameworks, such as SPSS Modeler, the first score request for a deployed model after hibernation might result in a 504 error. If this error happens, submit the request again; subsequent requests succeed. Runtime limitations
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AutoAI known limitations
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Currently, AutoAI experiments do not support double-byte character sets. AutoAI supports only CSV files with ASCII characters. Users must convert any non-ASCII characters in the file name or content, and provide input data as a CSV as
defined in this CSV standard.
To interact programmatically with an AutoAI model, use the REST API instead of the Python client. The APIs for the Python client required to support AutoAI are not generally available currently.
Data module not found in IBM Federated Learning
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The data handler for IBM Federated Learning is trying to extract a data module from the FL library but is unable to find it. You might see the following error message:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ibmfl.util.datasets'
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The issue possibly results from using an outdated DataHandler. Review and update your DataHandler to conform to the latest spec. Here is the link to the most recent MNIST data handler or ensure your sample versions are up to date.
SPSS Modeler issues
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You might encounter some of these issues when working in SPSS Modeler.
SPSS Modeler runtime restrictions
Copy link to section Studio does not include SPSS functionality in Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela.
Timestamp data measured in microseconds
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If you have timestamp data that is measured in microseconds, you can use the more precise data in your flow. However, you can import data that is measured in microseconds only from connectors that support SQL pushback. For more information
about which connectors support SQL pushback, see Supported data sources for SPSS Modeler.
SPSS Modeler limitations
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Languages supported by Text Analytics
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The Text Analytics feature in SPSS Modeler supports the following languages:
SPSS Modeler doesn't support Satellite Connector
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You cannot use a Satellite Connector to connect to a database with SPSS Modeler.
Merge node and Unicode characters
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The Merge node treats the following similar Japanese characters as the same character.
Connection issues
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You might encounter this issue when working with connections.
Apache Impala connection does not work with LDAP authentication
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If you create a connection to a Apache Impala data source and the Apache Impala server is set up for LDAP authentication, the username and password authentication method in IBM watsonx will not work.
Workaround: Disable the Enable LDAP Authentication option on the Impala server. See Configuring LDAP Authentication in the Cloudera documentation.
Orchestration Pipelines known issues
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The issues pertain to Orchestration Pipelines.
Asset browser does not always reflect the count for total numbers of asset type
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When selecting an asset from the asset browser, such as choosing a source for a Copy node, you see that some of the assets list the total number of that asset type available, but notebooks do not.
Cannot delete pipeline versions
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Currently, you cannot delete saved versions of pipelines that you no longer need. All versions are deleted when the pipeline is deleted.
Deleting an AutoAI experiment fails under some conditions
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Using a Delete AutoAI experiment node to delete an AutoAI experiment that was created from the Projects UI does not delete the AutoAI asset. However, the rest of the flow can complete successfully.
Cache appears enabled but is not enabled
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If the Copy assets Pipelines node's Copy mode is set to Overwrite, cache is displayed as enabled but remains disabled.
Pipelines cannot save some SQL statements
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Pipelines cannot save when SQL statements with parentheses are passed in a script or user variable.
To resolve this issue, replace all instances of parentheses with their respective ASCII code (( with #40 and ) with #41) and replace the code when you set it as a user variable.
For example, the statement select CAST(col1 as VARCHAR(30)) from dbo.table in a Run Bash script node causes an error. Instead, use the statement select CAST#40col1 as VARCHAR#4030#41#41 from dbo.table and replace the instances when setting it as a user variable.
Orchestration Pipelines abort when limit for annotations is reached
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Pipeline expressions require annotations, which have a limit due to the limit for annotations in Kubernetes. If you reach this limit, your pipeline will abort without displaying logs.
Orchestration Pipelines limitations
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These limitations apply to Orchestration Pipelines.
These limitations apply to a single pipeline, regardless of configuration.
Any single pipeline cannot contain more than 120 standard nodes
Any pipeline with a loop cannot contain more than 600 nodes across all iterations (for example, 60 iterations - 10 nodes each)
Input and output size limits
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Input and output values, which include pipeline parameters, user variables, and generic node inputs and outputs, cannot exceed 10 KB of data.
Batch input limited to data assets
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Currently, input for batch deployment jobs is limited to data assets. This means that certain types of deployments, which require JSON input or multiple files as input, are not supported. For example, SPSS models and Decision Optimization
solutions that require multiple files as input are not supported.
Bash scripts throws errors with curl commands
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The Bash scripts in your pipelines might cause errors if you implement curl commands in them. To prevent this issue, set your curl commands as parameters. To save a pipeline that causes error when saving, try exporting the isx file and importing
them into a new project.
Issues with Cloud Object Storage
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These issues apply to working with Cloud Object Storage.
Issues with Cloud Object Storage when Key Protect is enabled
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Key Protect with Cloud Object Storage is not supported for working with Runtime assets. If you are using Key Protect, you might encounter these issues when you are working with assets in Studio.
Training or saving these Runtime assets might fail:
Auto AI
Federated Learning
You might be unable to save an SPSS model or a notebook model to a project
Issues and limitations with watsonx.governance
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Tracking prompt template to Governance console use case fails with bad request
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If you have configured the Governance console, this sequence can result in an error:
Create a use case from the Governance console.
Create a project and associate it with the use case.
Create a prompt template and evaluate it.
Track the prompt template in the use case. You might see this error: Error creating model on OpenPages. Please contact IBM.
How to fix it:
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The error can result when the generative AI model used for the prompt template requires a setting for function calling and the value is missing. Follow these steps to correct:
From the use case, open the ObjectTypes section and search for Model.
From Field Group, select MRG-Model.
Select Supported Tasks, then add a new enumerated string value "Function calling" (note that the value is case-sensitive).
Save the changes.
Configuration options can conflict with watsonx.governance migration
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What's happening
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If you make configuration changes to watsonx.governance during the migration process, the configuration changes might not be in effect after the migration, or could result in errors.
How to fix it
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Make the configuration changes again after the migration operation is complete.
The Action button isn't displayed in a questionnaire assessment
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Applies to: Governance console Fixed in: Instances created in or later
What's happening
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When you add a question template and link it to a questionnaire assessment, the Action button is not displayed.
To verify the cause of the issue, do the following steps:
Open the Administration menu, and then click Workflow > Questionnaire Assessment Workflow.
Click the arrow that connects Start and Applicability Assessment.
Expand Conditions Notice that two conditions are defined.
Why it's happening
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The default value of the AI Assessment Type field on the questionnaire assessment is Not Determined. But this field value should be empty.
How to fix it
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To resolve this issue, you need to make a change so that the questionnaire assessment meets the criteria for the Applicability Assessment workflow stage.
Open the questionnaire assessment and click the Task tab.
Clear the value of the AI Assessment Type field.
Integration limitation with OpenPages
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When the AI Factsheets is integrated with OpenPages, the fields created in the field groups MRG-UserFacts-Model or MRG-UserFact-Model and MRG-UserFacts-ModelEntry or MRG-UserFact-ModelUseCase are synced to modelfacts_user_op and model_entry_user_op asset type definitions. However, when the fields are created from the OpenPages application, avoid specifying the fields as required, and do not specify a
range of values. If you mark them as required or assign a range of values, the sync will fail.
Delay showing prompt template deployment data in a factsheet
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When a deployment is created for a prompt template, the facts for the deployment are not added to factsheet immediately. You must first evaluate the deployment or view the lifecycle tracking page to add the facts to the factsheet.
Display issues for existing Factsheet users
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If you previously used factsheets with IBM Knowledge Catalog and you create a new AI use case in watsonx.governance, you might see some display issues, such as duplicate Risk level fields in the General information and Details section of the
AI use case interface.
A factsheet tracks all of the events for an asset over all phases of the lifecycle. Attachments show up in each stage, creating some redundancy in the factsheet.
Attachments for prompt templates are not saved on import or export
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If your AI use case contains attachments for a prompt template, the attachments are not preserved when the prompt template asset is exported from a project or imported into a project or space. You must reattach any files after the import operation.
Unable to open OpenPages after you enable the integration with Governance console
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When you enable the integration with Governance console, you get the following error message:
Error occurred while setting OpenPages.
Operation failed due to an unexpected error.
Information is not synced to the Governance console.
This issue occurs when you enable the integration with Governance console and you have foundation models that support the Translation task. The Translation task is missing from the following fields in Governance console:
MRG-Model:Approved Tasks
MRG-Model:Supported Tasks
MRG-Model:Task Type
To resolve this issue, do the following steps to update the fields:
Log in to Governance console as an administrator.
Enable System Admin Mode.
Click the Administration menu and select Solution Configuration > Object Types.
Click Model.
Click Fields, and then find the MRG-Model field group.
Click the Approved Tasks field.
Under Enumerated string values, click New Value.
Type Translation for both the name and label, and then click Create.
Click Done.
Repeat steps 6-10 for the Supported Tasks and Task Type fields.
Disable System Admin Mode.
Error setting up watsonx.governance and default inventory
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A service ID for the watsonx.governance service is required for setting up watsonx.governance and the default inventory. If the ID is missing at initial setup, you are prompted to provision the service to create the ID. If the ID is deleted,
you see the following error message: Something went wrong during setup: The tenant service ID required for setup is missing and might have been deleted.
To resolve the issue, make sure the watsonx.governance
Resource limitation on number of service providers
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You can not create more than 150 service providers in watsonx.governance due to a resource limitation. If you attempt to create more than 150 service providers, the following error message appears:
""Failed to create service provider. Status code: 403, Error: {"errors":[{"code":"AIQCS0026E","message":"Quota exceeded on resource: service_provider","parameters":["service_provider"]}],"trace":"config-MmUwMjQ3M2MtM2QxNS00M2U5LTg5NzAtNzE3ZjEyNTcyZDgx"}
This error can also occur if you attempt to run evaluations in more than 150 projects and spaces in watsonx.governance. You can fix this error by removing the unused projects, spaces, or service providers.
Evaluation tab is restricted to specific platforms for different asset types
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When you add assets in watsonx.governance deployment spaces or projects, the Evaluation tab might not be available if you don't specify the correct platform for your asset type. You can view the Evaluations tab for generative AI assets only on the watsonx platform. You can view the tab for machine learning models only on the Cloud Pak for Data or watsonx platforms.
Governance console integration supported for a single watsonx.governance account
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You can integrate a hosted instance of OpenPages to a single watsonx.governance account.
Issues with watsonx.governance on AWS
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Watsonx.governance on AWS sends email notification to Governance console users for application events such as the workflow assignment. The From address is always set to
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