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samplenode properties
Last updated: Feb 11, 2025
samplenode properties

Sample node icon The Sample node selects a subset of records. A variety of sample types are supported, including stratified, clustered, and nonrandom (structured) samples. Sampling can be useful for improving performance, and for selecting groups of related records or transactions for analysis.


/* Create two Sample nodes to extract 
   different samples from the same data */

node = stream.create("sample", "My node") 
node.setPropertyValue("method", "Simple")
node.setPropertyValue("mode", "Include")
node.setPropertyValue("sample_type", "First")
node.setPropertyValue("first_n", 500)

node = stream.create("sample", "My node") 
node.setPropertyValue("method", "Complex")
node.setPropertyValue("stratify_by", ["Sex", "Cholesterol"])
node.setPropertyValue("sample_units", "Proportions")
node.setPropertyValue("sample_size_proportions", "Custom")
node.setPropertyValue("sizes_proportions", [["M", "High", "Default"], ["M", "Normal", "Default"],
 ["F", "High", 0.3], ["F", "Normal", 0.3]])
Table 1. samplenode properties
samplenode properties Data type Property description
method Simple Complex  
mode Include Discard Include or discard records that meet the specified condition.
sample_type First OneInN RandomPct Specifies the sampling method.
first_n integer Records up to the specified cutoff point will be included or discarded.
one_in_n number Include or discard every nth record.
rand_pct number Specify the percentage of records to include or discard.
use_max_size flag Enable use of the maximum_size setting.
maximum_size integer Specify the largest sample to be included or discarded from the data stream. This option is redundant and therefore disabled when First and Include are specified.
set_random_seed flag Enables use of the random seed setting.
random_seed integer Specify the value used as a random seed.
complex_sample_type Random Systematic  
sample_units Proportions Counts  
sample_size_proportions Fixed Custom Variable  
sample_size_counts Fixed Custom Variable  
fixed_proportions number  
fixed_counts integer  
variable_proportions field  
variable_counts field  
use_min_stratum_size flag  
minimum_stratum_size integer This option only applies when a Complex sample is taken with Sample units=Proportions.
use_max_stratum_size flag  
maximum_stratum_size integer This option only applies when a Complex sample is taken with Sample units=Proportions.
clusters field  
stratify_by [field1 ... fieldN]  
specify_input_weight flag  
input_weight field  
new_output_weight string  
sizes_proportions [[string string value][string string value]…] If sample_units=proportions and sample_size_proportions=Custom, specifies a value for each possible combination of values of stratification fields.
default_proportion number  
sizes_counts [[string string value][string string value]…] Specifies a value for each possible combination of values of stratification fields. Usage is similar to sizes_proportions but specifying an integer rather than a proportion.
default_count number